Agenda item

Asset Management Delivery Plan




1.   That the asset management strategy delivery plan for 2024/25 as set out in Appendix A of the officer’s report, which aims to move forward delivery of the strategic objectives set out in the Council’s Asset Management Strategy, be approved.


2.   That funding of up to £350,000 be approved to progress the procurement and implementation of a new asset management software system, to be funded through the use of capital receipts.


3.   That funding of up to £300,000 be approved, to be funded over two financial years from the property renewals fund and through the use of bespoke commercial property reserves, to progress a programme of stock condition surveys, net-zero carbon assessments and business cases leading to delivery of a fully funded asset maintenance and decarbonisation programme.


4.   That the capital receipts policy be endorsed, as set out in the Asset Management Strategy - to reinvest capital receipts, secured through the disposals programme, into the land and property estate to fund asset maintenance, decarbonisation and investment activity.


5.   That it be noted that successful delivery of the recommendations set out in this report is dependent upon approval of the proposed reshape of the property and technical services team that is being presented to Joint Cabinet and Employment and General Committee on 19 March 2023.


6.   That authority be delegated to the Service Director – Economic Growth, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management, to make amendments to the Asset Management Strategy Delivery Plan during the financial year 2024/25 to optimise operational effectiveness.




To establish, for 2024/25, a detailed work programme and resources to continue the delivery of the Council’s asset management strategy that sets out the vision, asset management policies and strategic objectives to guide the overall management of the council’s land and property assets, in line with the Council’s overall vision and priorities.


The Deputy Leader of the Council presented a report seeking approval of the asset management delivery plan for 2024/25. The plan detailed a range of activities aimed at achieving the objectives set out in the Asset Management Strategy 2023-2027, which had been approved by Full Council in July 2023.


The proposed delivery plan was set out in Appendix A of the officer’s report. The key priority areas to be progressed were:


·         Developing our Corporate Landlord approach.

·        Investing in decarbonisation whilst keeping our assets safe and well maintained.

·        Delivering a land and property rationalisation programme.

·        Maximising income and overall value from the existing commercial estate.

·        Using our land and property to maximise growth opportunities for the Council and borough.


The report also sought approval for resources to progress the implementation of a new asset management software system, support service transformation, and progress stock condition surveys, net-zero carbon assessments and business cases to enable the development of a comprehensive asset maintenance and decarbonisation programme.


The approval of a staffing reshape was also critical to the delivery of the asset management delivery plan. This reshape would be the subject of a separate report to the Joint Cabinet and Employment and General Committee.


It was noted that additional resources would be required to procure and implement the new asset management software system 

Monitoring of the delivery plan would be carried out by the Corporate Property Board, which was an internal officer board set up to provide corporate oversight in relation to the property activities of the council and focussed on achieving the aims and objectives set out in the asset management strategy. Regular briefings would be provided to appropriate Cabinet portfolio holders.





1.   That the asset management strategy delivery plan for 2024/25 as set out in Appendix A of the officer’s report, which aims to move forward delivery of the strategic objectives set out in the Council’s Asset Management Strategy, be approved.


2.   That funding of up to £350,000 be approved to progress the procurement and implementation of a new asset management software system, to be funded through the use of capital receipts.


3.   That funding of up to £300,000 be approved, to be funded over two financial years from the property renewals fund and through the use of bespoke commercial property reserves, to progress a programme of stock condition surveys, net-zero carbon assessments and business cases leading to delivery of a fully funded asset maintenance and decarbonisation programme.


4.   That the capital receipts policy be endorsed, as set out in the Asset Management Strategy - to reinvest capital receipts, secured through the disposals programme, into the land and property estate to fund asset maintenance, decarbonisation and investment activity.


5.   That it be noted that successful delivery of the recommendations set out in this report is dependent upon approval of the proposed reshape of the property and technical services team that is being presented to Joint Cabinet and Employment and General Committee on 19 March 2023.


6.   That authority be delegated to the Service Director – Economic Growth, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management, to make amendments to the Asset Management Strategy Delivery Plan during the financial year 2024/25 to optimise operational effectiveness.




To establish, for 2024/25, a detailed work programme and resources to continue the delivery of the Council’s asset management strategy that sets out the vision, asset management policies and strategic objectives to guide the overall management of the council’s land and property assets, in line with the Council’s overall vision and priorities.


Supporting documents: