Agenda item

Modern Slavery Statement 2024/25




That the Chesterfield Borough Council modern slavery statement be approved for 2024/25.




To demonstrate and strengthen our commitment to prevent and reduce the impact of modern slavery.


The Cabinet Member for Governance presented a report seeking approval for the Council’s modern slavery statement for the financial year 2024/25.


It was reported that the Modern Slavery Act 2015 consolidated various offences relating to human trafficking and slavery. For example,


·        slavery’ is where ownership is exercised over a person

·        servitude’ involves coercion to oblige a person to provide services

·        forced and compulsory labour’ is where a person works or provides services on a non-voluntary basis under the threat of a penalty

·        human trafficking’ involves arranging or facilitating the travel of a person with a view to exploiting them


Chesterfield Borough Council recognised the huge impact that these crime had on vulnerable people and in our communities and so were committed to working with partner agencies to eradicate modern slavery.


The Council’s Modern Slavery Statement for 2024/25 was attached at Appendix 1 of the officer’s report. The Statement included:


·        Modern Slavery Act requirements.

·        The Modern Slavery Charter.

·        The standards the Council will meet and expect others we do business with to meet.

·        Procurement and supply chains.

·        How modern slavery links into the Council’s policies and plans.

·        Training and awareness raising.

·        Partnership working.


The Statement would be reviewed annually and published on the Council’s website.




That the Chesterfield Borough Council modern slavery statement be approved for 2024/25.




To demonstrate and strengthen our commitment to prevent and reduce the impact of modern slavery.


Supporting documents: