Agenda item

Membership of Combined Authorities And Ratification of the Sheffield City Region Devolution Deal


It was moved by the Mayor, seconded by the Deputy Mayor and resolved that, under Standing Order No. 22 (e), Standing Order No. 23.4 be suspended for agenda item 6 “Membership of Combined Authorities and ratification of the Sheffield City Region Devolution Deal”, and that the mover of the report and the Deputy Leader of the Minority Group be allowed to speak for more than five minutes on this item.


The Chief Executive submitted a report asking members to consider afresh options for the council’s membership of existing and proposed combined authorities, and the respective benefits of the different options for the communities of Chesterfield.


Members had previously considered options for the council’s membership of existing and proposed combined authorities at the meeting of Council held on 3 March, 2016 and had resolved to ratify the October 2015 Sheffield City Region Devolution Deal, to apply to be a full constituent member of the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority and to apply to be a non-constituent member of a North Midlands Combined Authority, if formed.


Since making the decision on 3March, Derbyshire County Council had formally alleged that the council had failed to comply with its Public Sector Equality Duty and to keep an open mind with respect to its duty to consult the public under the combined authority legislation. A formal response had been sent to the County Council, however, in light of the allegations made, members were asked to consider afresh the options for the council’s membership of existing and proposed combined authorities, taking fully into account the information contained in the report, the full Equalities Impact Assessment that had now been prepared and the original report to council of 3 March.


It was again noted that the major benefit to Chesterfield of the Sheffield City Region Devolution Deal was a share of £900 million over the next 30 years that would support the delivery of the borough’s key regeneration projects, improve the skills of local people and help local businesses to become more competitive.


The Leader reiterated to Members that joining the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority would not compromise Chesterfield Borough Council’s independence and existence as an independent authority, and that Chesterfield would continue to remain very much part of Derbyshire. He also reaffirmed his commitment to getting the best for Chesterfield and its residents as part of Derbyshire.




1.   That the resolutions at Minute No.97, 2015/16, made at the meeting of Council held on 3 March, 2016, be rescinded.


2.   That Chesterfield Borough Council agrees to ratify as an existing non-constituent member of the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority the October 2015 Sheffield City Region Devolution deal.


3.   That Chesterfield Borough Council agrees to apply to be a full constituent member of the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority in line with the statutory process.


4.   That Chesterfield Borough Council agrees to apply to be a non-constituent member of a North Midlands Combined Authority, if formed.


5.   That the proposed actions to mitigate the risks of becoming a full member of the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority, as set out in section 6 of the Chief Executive’s 3 March, 2016 report to Council, be approved and implemented.


6.   That Chesterfield Borough Council agrees to delegate to the Chief Executive, in liaison with the Leader, authority to take further steps that are necessary as part of the processes to put in place the above resolutions, subject to regular reports on progress being made to Cabinet and, where required, to Council.

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