Agenda item

Town Hall Refurbishment


Pursuant to Cabinet Minute No.104 the Customer, Commissioning and Change Manager submitted a report detailing proposed changes to the Town Hall refurbishment scheme and to request that the proposed changes be approved and implemented


The report noted that the Town Hall refurbishment scheme was a key component of the council’s Great Place: Great Service transformation programme and as an “invest to save” project would generate significant income for the council to use in protecting and improving front line service provision.


The revised project would require a capital budget of £2,740,000, of which £850,000 had already been approved and included in the council’s Capital Programme. It was proposed that the remainder of the budget should be funded through prudential borrowing and repaid from future capital receipts. The Town Hall refurbishment scheme had been projected to generate a minimum of £141,840 rental income from 2018/19, and a minimum of £240,840 rental income per year from 2020/21, the receipt of which would have a positive impact on the Council’s revenue budget.




1.   That the Town Hall refurbishment scheme be amended to reflect the increased scope and extended timescales required for delivery.


2.   That both the asbestos and building works are completed whilst Chesterfield Borough Council staff members remain in-situ within the Town Hall.


3.   That the Capital Programme be updated to reflect the revised capital budget of £2,740,000.


4.   That the Treasury indicators be updated to reflect that prudential borrowing of £2,091,000 be used to fund the increased capital costs of the scheme.


5.   That the Service Improvement Reserve be used to fund £135,000 of additional associated revenue costs in 2016/2017.


6.   That it be noted that the council’s Operational Services Division is capable of recruiting the resources required to enable delivery of the building works programme within the cost model identified.


7.   That it be noted that the scheme assumes a minimum £240,840 of income will be generated annually from 2020/21, which would then be able to be reinvested in the council’s work to protect and improve front line services to the public.

Supporting documents: