Agenda item

Changes to Membership of Committees 2016/17

Report to follow.


The Committee and Scrutiny Coordinator submitted a report detailing the Executive Leader of the Council’s proposed changes to the membership and Chairs of Member level Committees for remainder of the 2016/17 Municipal year.


1.   That the following changes to Committee memberships as detailed below be approved.


Appeals and Regulatory Committee

·        Councillor Miles to replace Councillor Lisa Collins

·        Councillor Murphy to replace Councillor Hitchin


Customer, Community and Organisational Scrutiny Committee

·        Councillor Lisa Collins to replace Councillor Miles

·        Councillor Peter Innes to replace Councillor Slack


Employment and General Committee

·        Councillor Wall to replace Councillor Dickinson


Enterprise and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee

·        Councillor Caulfield to replace Councillor Tricia Gilby

·        Councillor Hitchin to replace Councillor Catt


Overview and Performance Scrutiny Forum

·        Councillor Caulfield to replace Councillor Tricia Gilby

·        Councillor Lisa Collins to replace Councillor Miles

·        Councillor Peter Innes to replace Councillor Slack

·        Councillor Hitchin to replace Councillor Catt


Planning Committee

·        Councillor Burrows to replace Councillor Dickinson


Standards and Audit Committee

·        Councillor Hollingworth to replace Councillor Sarvent


2.   That the following changes to Committee Chairs as detailed below be approved.


Customer, Community and Organisational Scrutiny


·        Councillor Peter Innes to replace Councillor Slack


Enterprise and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee

·        Councillor Sarvent to replace Councillor Tricia Gilby


Overview and Performance Scrutiny Forum

·        Councillors Peter Innes and Sarvent to replace Councillors Tricia Gilby and Slack as alternating Chair

Supporting documents: