Agenda item

Cemeteries Fees and Charges




That the revised fees and charges for cemeteries, as detailed at appendix A of the officer’s report, be approved and implemented from 1 April, 2017.




To generate income to contribute to the costs of providing and maintaining a burial service.


The Commercial Services Manager submitted a report recommending for approval the proposed fees and charges for the Council’s cemeteries to take effect from 1 April, 2017.


The fees and charges proposals had taken into account:


·        The reduction in the number of burials taking place in recent years.


·        A comparison of fees and charges made by other authorities in the surrounding areas, so that fees should remain competitive and affordable.


·        The need for the Council to achieve a balanced budget.


The options of leaving the charges unchanged or introducing lower increases were ruled out as the proposed increases in the charges were required to deliver a balanced and sustainable budget.




That the revised fees and charges for cemeteries, as detailed at appendix A of the officer’s report, be approved and implemented from 1 April, 2017.




To generate income to contribute to the costs of providing and maintaining a burial service.

Supporting documents: