Agenda item

Outdoor Sports and Recreation Fees and Charges




1.   That the revised fees and charges for outdoor sports and recreation, as detailed at appendix A of the officer’s report, be approved and implemented from 1 April, 2017.


2.   That the Commercial Services Manager, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, be delegated authority to revise the approved fees and charges where threats to income generation emerge and/or opportunities to raise additional income arise, in line with the Council’s general principles for charging.




To set the Council’s outdoor sports and recreation fees for the financial year 2017/18 in accordance with the Council’s Budget strategy.


The Commercial Services Manager submitted a report recommending for approval the proposed fees and charges for Outdoor Recreation facilities to take effect from 1 April, 2017.


The fees and charges proposals had taken into account:


·        The need to raise income and for the Council to achieve a balanced budget.

·        The fees and charges structures of other local public and private sector providers.

·        The ability of customers to pay against the current economic downturn and demand for facilities.

·        The need to address health inequalities across the borough and to encourage young people into sporting activities.


The options of leaving the charges unchanged or introducing lower increases were ruled out as the proposed increases in the charges were required to deliver a balanced and sustainable budget. An option of introducing a significantly greater increase in the charges was ruled out as there would have been a risk in terms of deterring potential customers.




1.   That the revised fees and charges for outdoor sports and recreation, as detailed at appendix A of the officer’s report, be approved and implemented from 1 April, 2017.


2.   That the Commercial Services Manager, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, be delegated authority to revise the approved fees and charges where threats to income generation emerge and/or opportunities to raise additional income arise, in line with the Council’s general principles for charging.




To set the Council’s outdoor sports and recreation fees for the financial year 2017/18 in accordance with the Council’s Budget strategy.

Supporting documents: