Agenda item

Cabinet Member for Business Transformation - Great Place, Great Service Progress Report

-      Verbal report and presentation


6:10pm to 6:30pm


The Customers, Commissioning and Change Manager attended to inform members on the Great Place, Great Service transformation project. Members were updated on the progress made under the 6 key pillars that the programme was based on:


Customer Service Delivery

·        The Customer Service Delivery Plan had been drafted and was due to be submitted to Corporate Cabinet in June 2017. The plan would focus on:

o   understanding customers and better relating to their needs;

o   using modern digital solutions;

o   delivering excellent customer services;

o   continually reviewing and improving.


Workforce Development

·        Workforce Strategy had been refreshed and approved;

·        IIP re-accreditation work plan submitted;

·        Implementation of the Apprentice programme;

·        The E-learning system had been launched;

·        An online EPD tool was in development;

·        Smart Management Objectives were being developed.


ICT Development

·        PSN accreditation had been achieved;

·        Annual health check completed and remedial action plan developed;

·        ICT review completed;

·        Digital ‘roadmap’ developed as part of the ICT review;

·        Digital strategy being updated to include the ICT roadmap.


Estate Rationalisation

·        10 year maintenance plans being refreshed;

·        Town Hall refurbishment underway;

·        Register Office lease due to be signed;

·        Discussions underway with DCC for further rental space in the Town Hall;

·        Museum store development on hold.



·        CBC were completing Register Office refurbishment for DCC;

·        Received ‘Trusted Trader’ status;

·        Implementing a new commercial café function;

·        Consistent customer base for commercial waste;

·        Positive income levels generated in Leisure and Venues.


Target Operating Model

·        PPP contractual review underway;

·        PMO process implemented;

·        Museum service offer public consultation in development.


Over the next 6 months the focus would be on how to improve the customer service centre including encouraging customers to use online and self service functions. In response to questions, Members were advised that the options for applying for benefits would be reviewed as this could currently only be done in person and customer insight would be used to understand how people wanted to access services.


A new Workforce Strategy group (WSG) had been established and a Member representing Scrutiny was invited to take part in the group. The members of the WSG would carry out task and finish work based on an action plan for the strategy.


Responding the Members questions about the Council’s position regarding IIP accreditation, the Customers, Commissioning and Change Manager replied that the Council was working towards accreditation but if it was felt that it was of no value or set unachievable targets then it would not be pursued. The work plan had been submitted to the IIP as this gave the Council an extra 12 months accreditation with no cost. Members’ suggestions concerning the value of IIP accreditation would be fed into the WSG.


Apprentice opportunities had been identified in service areas and a procurement process would take place soon to identify trainers. Employees were currently completing mandatory training using the new e-learning system. A new PDR had been developed to replace the EPDs; the new procedure would allow HR to have an overview of the process and check what has been completed.


Members thanked the Customers, Commissioning and Change Manager for providing the update and answering their questions.




1.   That the update be noted.


2.   That the progress achieved and the planned work be supported.


3.   That a further progress report be brought to the Overview and Performance Scrutiny Forum in January, 2018.


4.   That Councillor Jenny Flood be appointed as Scrutiny representative on the Workforce Strategy group and report back to the Overview and Performance Scrutiny Forum.