Agenda item

Mayor's Communications


The Mayor referred with sadness to the death of former Councillor Shaun Barkley. Members stood for a minute’s silence in his honour.


The Mayor thanked Members for their support for the Mayor’s Appeal at the December meeting which had raised £280.


The Mayor also referred to the following Mayoral engagements:


·        A celebration event in December at which the Duke of Devonshire presented the Chesterfield Canal Trust with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service;


·        Starting the Santa Fun Run in Queen’s Park on Christmas Eve with over 1,300 Santas, which raised a substantial amount for local charities;


·        An event on Holocaust Memorial Day, where the writer Sarah Matthias was the speaker;


·        Welcoming the arrival of Chesterfield’s observation wheel in the Market Place.


The Mayor reminded Members that she and the Mayoress would be hosting a Gala Dinner at the Proact Stadium on 16 March, 2018.