Agenda item

Cabinet Member for Economic Growth

6.05pm – Update on Skills Action Plan


The Senior Economic Development Officer attended to inform members about the progress made towards delivering the Skills Action Plan 2017-2020, approved by Cabinet in June 2017, and to consult members on the areas for future focus.


The plan was developed with the aims of maximising the benefits of skills related programmes and investments in the town and improving the skills profile of the borough’s residents. The plan was underpinned by 4 objectives and the Senior Economic Development Officer provided a progress update on each objective:


Working with partners to ensure local people and businesses have the right skills to access future opportunities:

·        held a design competition with Level 3 students to develop the Apprenticeship Town brand;

·        organised round table discussions with businesses to share experiences and views on undertaking apprenticeships in Chesterfield;

·        developed an Apprentice Town web resource in conjunction with Destination Chesterfield;

·        worked with CEC and Destination Chesterfield to deliver a skills and employment conference;

·        helped businesses access funding to upskill their staff;

·        continued to support Talent Match and Ambition.


Provide clear advice and support to local people and businesses about the range of skills programmes available:

·        updated the jobs, skills and employment pages of CBC’s website;

·        delivered events including Christmas jobs fairs, skills conference and skills and apprenticeship round tables;

·        presented to the head teachers forum about Apprentice Town and provided interview support to schools;

·        provided skills support and advice to local businesses.


Work with our Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and Education Partners to ensure that skills provision is aligned to future jobs growth and economic opportunities from emerging sectors:

·        established links between Chesterfield College and the National College for High Speed Rail;

·        invited HS2 to speak at October’s Skills Conference;

·        contributed to regional skills activity and working groups at the LEPs;

·        met regularly with education partners to help secure funding;

·        working to deliver the Digital Advantage Programme with Derbyshire County Council and Arvato.


Maximise the number of training, employment and supply chain opportunities for local people arising from new development and secured through Local Labour Agreements:

·        working on the delivery of 4 skills and employment plans with businesses;

·        held 2 meet the buyer events and seen over 15 local jobs created;

·        contracts worth £1.75m have been won by local businesses;

·        local labour conditions have brought about 4 apprentices, 1 permanent position or internship, 5 temporary posts, 3 site visits for schools and colleges, careers talks for college students and 6 weeks work experience.


The Senior Economic Development Officer explained that, whilst the level of jobs growth had not changed, the number of apprenticeships starting in Chesterfield Borough during 2016/17 had risen which went against the declining national trend. The skills profile was showing an increase in the number of GCSE results above national average however the number of people with a qualification at level 4 or above was significantly below the national average though there appeared to be an upward trend.


Some of the key challenges impacting the delivery of the objectives included changes to national policy, particularly in terms of apprenticeship reform, ensuring the quality of local provision, the level of match funding required when bidding for external funding, the need to focus on basic skills highlighted by the introduction of universal credit and an increase in businesses struggling to recruit to technical, managerial and practical skilled positions.


The future focus for the Skills Action Plan was to develop a close working relationship with the key stakeholders in HS2, ensuring business readiness, the development of major sites including Northern Gateway, Waterside and Peak Resort, and improving the picture of the skills profile.


Members were pleased to hear of the links established between Chesterfield College and the National College for High Speed Rail and asked if links were also being made with the University of Derby. The Senior Economic Development Officer replied that the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce had undertaken work around the wider HS2 strategy and the University of Derby had been involved.


In response to Members questions, the Senior Economic Development Officer advised that CBC was working with businesses that were able to provide a job at the end of the apprenticeship however more awareness of workforce development was needed by businesses, especially those who do not offer a job at the end of the course.


Members were asked to provide feedback on the key focuses for the future of the plan. The Chair thanked the Senior Economic Development Officer for providing the progress update and answering their questions.




1.   That the update be noted.


2.   That the slides from the presentation be circulated and that Members feed back to the Senior Economic Development Officer their comments on the areas for future focus.


3.   That the Skills Action Plan be considered for inclusion on the next work programme at the Scrutiny Work Programming sessions.