Agenda and minutes

Enterprise and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 10th September, 2014 4.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield

Contact: Martin Elliott  01246 345236

No. Item


Declarations of Members' And Officers' Interests Relating To Items On The Agenda


No declarations of interest were received.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Hawksworth.


Scrutiny Project Group Interim Report on New Leisure Facilities - Consideration of changes to the scrutiny report and recommendations. pdf icon PDF 125 KB


The Scrutiny Project Group Interim Report and Recommendations on New Leisure Facilities were presented by Councillor Flood.


The project group had been carrying out a review of the new leisure facilities project. The review was to continue to follow the stages of the project throughout construction, with a final report to be produced six months after the new centre opens. Some interim recommendations had been made at this stage, with regard to consultation, internal communication and engagement.


A concern had been indentified as to the stage at which consultation with stakeholders begins to take place. It was hoped that the outcome of the recommendations would be to encourage all services, not limited only to Leisure, to engage in active communication with all stakeholders, including internally with staff, from the inception of any new projects.




That the following recommendations be presented to Cabinet for consideration:



That the best practice guidance and principles for community engagement, as highlighted in the Council’s Community Engagement Strategy are considered throughout the life of projects including pre-decision consultation.



That where possible and appropriate, pre-consultation dialogue takes place with key stakeholders, this may include Community Assemblies, service users, special interest groups, employees etc. particularly for major projects and decisions.



That for projects impacting on employees a strong and sustained internal communications and engagement plan is developed which includes a variety of opportunities to engage in the decision making process.