Venue: Committee Room 1, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield
Contact: Emily Taylor 01246 34 5277
No. | Item |
Declarations of Members' and Officers' Interests relating to Items on the Agenda Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for asbence were received from Councillors Kellman and Snowdon. |
Minutes: RESOLVED –
That the Minutes of the meeting of the Standards and Audit Committee held on 23 November, 2022 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chair. |
Progress Report on the 2022/23 Internal Audit Plan Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of the Internal Audit Consortium submitted a report to provide Members with a progress update on the 2022/23 Internal Audit Plan.
Since the Committee last met in November, two reports had been issued with the following levels of assurance:
· ‘Substantial assurance’ - one
· ‘Reasonable assurance’ - one
A summary of the reports issued was attached at Appendix 1 of the officer’s report.
That the report be noted. |
External Audit Progress Report Minutes: The Council’s external auditors, Mazars, presented a report updating members on the progress in delivering their responsibilities as external auditors.
The report informed members of the progress in delivering the 2021/22 audit and assurance work and the 2022/23 audit planning process.
That the report be noted. |
Risk Management Strategy 2023-2027 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Strategic Health, Safety and Risk Manager providedMembers with an annual progress update report on the Risk Management activities during 2022/23.
The report noted that four items on the Strategic Risk Register had altered since the last update to members. These were summarised in Appendix 2 and explained in further detail in Appendix 3, both attached to the officers report.
1. That the amendments to the Risk Management Strategy 2023-2027 be recommended to Full Council for approval.
2. That the progress made and new updates to the Council’s risk management arrangements during 2022/23 including the enhanced oversight of risk management group and development of the directorate risk registers be noted.
3. That the Strategic Risk Register revisions for 2023/24 including the register remaining a ‘live’ document be noted. |
Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24 (including investment and capital strategy) - Report to follow Additional documents:
Minutes: The Group Financial Accountant presented a report recommending for approval the Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2023/24, the Capital Strategy Report 2023/24, the Investment Strategy Statement for 2023/24 and the Minimum Reserve Provision (MRP) Policy for 2023/24.
The Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2023/24 showed that the strategy had been updated to include the new Liability Benchmark Prudential Indicator, which was a requirement of the updated Treasury Page 28 Management Code, attached as Appendix A to the officers report.
That it be recommended to Full Council that:
1. The Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2023/24 be approved.
2. The Capital Strategy Report 2023/24, including the Prudential Code Indicators be approved.
3. The Investment Strategy Report 2023/24 be approved.
4. The Minimum Revenue Provision Policy 2023/24 be approved. |