Venue: Committee Room 1, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield
Contact: Frances Green 01246 959612
No. | Item |
Declarations of Members' and Officers' Interests relating to Items on the Agenda Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Staton and Nicholls.
Members welcomed James Collins, Director of Mazars LLP, the Council’s external auditors, who attended to observe the meeting. |
Minutes: RESOLVED –
That the Minutes of the meeting of the Standards and Audit Committee held on 6th December 2023 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chair. |
Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24 (including investment and capital strategy) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Finance and Accountancy presented a report recommending for approval the Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2024/25, the Capital Strategy Report 2024/25, the Investment Strategy Statement for 2024/25 and the Minimum Reserve Provision (MRP) Policy for 2024/25.
That it be recommended to Full Council that:
1. The Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2024/25 be approved.
2. The Capital Strategy Report 2024/25, including the Prudential Code Indicators be approved.
3. The Investment Strategy Report 2024/25 be approved.
4. The Minimum Revenue Provision Policy 2024/25 be approved. |
Updates to Constitution Minutes: The Head of Regulatory Law and Monitoring Officer presented a report for consideration of updates to the Constitution and the delegations proposed were shown at Appendix 1.
These included:
· An officer delegation to determine police objections to Temporary Event Notices where objections are aimed at ensuring consistency with existing licence conditions. · Cabinet member delegation to receive reports and recommendations from a housing advisory body (soon to be established by the Council with delegation to the Head of Regulatory Law and Monitoring Officer to finalise any necessary changes as a result of this). · An officer delegation to authorise spending through the health and wellbeing partnership and community grants fund. · Clarification of officers authorised to sign a Statement of Truth in court proceedings.
That the report be approved with the changes to the Constitution and agreement of the delegations proposed at Appendix 1. |
Local Government Act 1972 - Exclusion of Public To move “That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act".
Part 2 (Non Public Information) Minutes: RESOLVED –
That under Section 100(a)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. |
Internal Audit Progress Report February 2024 Minutes: The Head of the Internal Audit Consortium submitted a report for Members consideration. The report detailed progress against the 2023/24 Internal Audit Plan and provided assurance on the governance, risk and control processes in place in respect of the audits completed.
It was noted that since this committee had last met 4 reports have been issued, 1 with Reasonable assurance, 1 with Limited assurance, 1 with Inadequate assurance and in respect of procurement an interim report was produced on progress made so an assurance level was not given.
The Head of Finance and Accountancy gave a verbal update to Members on the progress made against their recommendations of the Corporate Credit Cards Internal Audit Report, and how the team would be working towards meeting all outstanding recommendations.
The Leisure Service Manager gave a verbal update to Members on the progress against the Queens Park Sports Centre Income Internal Audit Report, and how the team would be working towards meeting all outstanding recommendations.
Members requested these managers to give an update on progress at the next meeting of this Committee.
1. That the report be noted.
2. That the Leisure Service Manager returns at the next meeting with a progress update.
3. That the Head of Finance and Accountancy returns at the next meeting with a progress update. |