Agenda and minutes

Community, Customer and Organisational Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 22nd January, 2015 5.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Chesterfield

Contact: Donna Cairns  01246 345236

No. Item


Declarations of Members' and Officers' interests relating to items on the Agenda.


No declarations were received.


Apologies for Absence


No apologises for absence were received.


Executive Member for Governance and Organisational Development - Progress Report on Workforce Strategy pdf icon PDF 99 KB


Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Governance and Organisational Development, the Chief Executive and the HR and Payroll Service Lead submitted a progress report on the implementation of the actions agreed within the Council’s Workforce Strategy and the priorities for the development of the revised Strategy.


It was reported that there had been many successes and achievements in the implementation of the Workforce Strategy. These included the success of Project Academy, the development of a core competencies framework and the significant amount of training and development provided to staff, much of which was funded from external sources, including the European Social Fund and the Skills Funding Agency.


A corporate wide Development Plan had been agreed and had commenced in May 2014.


The Pay and Reward review was still in progress as it was identified as a longer term project, involving negotiations with Trade Unions and changes to terms and conditions.


The priorities that had been discussed at the Workforce Strategy working group for the development of the revised strategy included: Pay and Reward, Workforce Planning, Talent Management, Staff Engagement and the Performance Management Framework, including the appraisal scheme


It was reported that improvements had been made in the completion of appraisals following some initial changes but progress was still required to deliver a 100% return rate from managers for all employees.


Another priority that was discussed was to ‘validate’ the training and development delivered to staff to ensure it was being applied in the performance of individual staff, services and the Council as a whole. Members asked how this would be measured and suggested that the process should be determined in advance and included in the Strategy so that validation could be measured as training programmes are delivered, rather than retrospectively.


The Chief Executive advised that it would be difficult to define what success looks like on an individual level as the personal outcomes may differ, taking Project Academy as an example.  It was proposed that Employee Performance and Development plans be linked to the Corporate Plan objectives. This would enable staff to identify their part in delivering the Corporate Plan. The Council’s performance in delivering the Corporate Plan would then be a form of validation of the training and development provided to staff.


The reassessment for Investors in People accreditation that was due in 2015 would also indicate the Council’s performance in delivering the Workforce Strategy objectives.


The Committee asked about the Trade Unions were involvement in the implementation of the Strategy’s action plan and in the development of the revised Strategy. The Executive Member for Governance and Organisational Development advised that Trade Union representatives were involved in the Workforce Strategy working group, the Great Place, Great Service executive board and also the Council’s consultative committees: Council Joint Consultative Committee and Council Health and Safety Committee.


Members raised concerns about the current Employee Performance and Development scheme, from experience dealing with grievances on the Appeals and Regulatory Committee. The Committee were advised that there had been a period where  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40.


Scrutiny Project Groups Progress Updates



-        Health Inequalities.



Health Inequalities Scrutiny Project Group


No report was available.




That a report from the Health Inequalities project group be considered at the next meeting of the Committee.



Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 240 KB



The Committee considered the Forward Plan for the period 1 February to 31 May 2015.


It was queried whether the Committee would receive a progress report on the Cemeteries Strategy before it was submitted to Cabinet. The Committee and Scrutiny Co-ordinator advised that the approval of the Cemeteries Strategy had been removed from the Forward Plan as it was postponed until after the budget for 2015/16 was confirmed.




That the Forward Plan be noted.


Scrutiny Monitoring pdf icon PDF 125 KB



The Scrutiny Monitoring Report was considered.




That the Scrutiny Monitoring Report be noted.


Work Programme for the Community, Customer and Organisational Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 90 KB



The Committee considered a list of items raised to date for its Work Programme.


It was noted that the Crime and Disorder Scrutiny meeting had taken place on 8 January 2015 and that a further meeting of the Committee would be dedicated to Crime and Disorder matters in six months time. The date was to be confirmed when the new meeting schedule had been set.


The Committee and Scrutiny Co-ordinator advised that the Cultural and Visitor Services Manager had requested that a meeting be held in April 2015 in order for the Committee to be consulted on the Outside Market Reconfiguration proposals by the appointed consultant.


It was agreed that the meeting of the Committee scheduled for 19 March 2015 be postponed until 16 April 2015 to allow for the appointed consultant to attend the meeting.




1)                That the meeting of the Committee scheduled for 19 March 2015 be postponed until 16 April 2015.


2)                That the Outside Market Reconfiguration consultation be considered in April 2015.


3)                That the Cemeteries Strategy be considered in April 2015, if available.



Overview and Scrutiny Developments



Verbal Report.



Councillor Innes, Chair of the Committee, reported that she had been contributing to the corporate review of Overview and Scrutiny. Cllr Bagley, as Vice-Chair of the Committee, was advised to contact the Policy Officer as soon as possible in order to contribute to the review as it was soon to be completed.


The Policy and Scrutiny Officer advised the Committee that suggestions for training and development sessions would be welcomed.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 195 KB



The Minutes of the meeting of the Community, Customer and Organisational Scrutiny Committee held on 20 November, 2014 were presented.


It was noted that the information requested on comparative costs of using text messaging services in customer services (Minute No. 26 (2014/15)) had not been provided and it was agreed that this request be reiterated.




1)                That the Minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


2)                That a further request be made for the information on comparative costs of using text messaging services in customer services.