Agenda and minutes

Community, Customer and Organisational Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 15th September, 2015 5.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1, Town Hall, Chesterfield

Contact: Brian Offiler  01246 345229

No. Item


Declarations of Members' and Officers' interests relating to items on the Agenda.


No declarations of interest were received.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Dyke, Parsons and Sarvent.


Cabinet Member for Governance - Corporate Health and Safety Improvement Programme pdf icon PDF 74 KB

5.05 pm

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Governance presented a report on the corporate Occupational Health and Safety Improvement Programme, informing the Committee of the outcomes of the programme for 2012 – 2015 and of the content of the programme for 2015 – 2018.


The Corporate Health and Safety Adviser explained that the programme for 2012-15 had been the first such programme across the Council and had focused improvements around four key themes:

·        Accident Performance

·        Health & Safety Management

·        Health & Safety Climate

·        Occupational Health


containing 11 key targets, 55% of which had been met by the end of the three year programme. A copy of the outcomes report for 2012-15 was attached as an appendix to the report.


In some cases where targets had not been met it was felt that the original targets had not been set at realistically achievable levels, e.g. the average number of days lost due to accidents had been set at a level below the national average.


The Business Transformation Manager explained that the Council had assessed its progress against the Corporate Health & Safety Performance Index (CHaSPI) developed by the Health and Safety Executive and had surpassed its target, achieving a score of 7.7 (against a target of 6.6, the mean score for other Councils).


The experience over the previous three years had informed the development of the programme and targets for the next three years. Progress against the programme would be monitored through the Health and safety Committee and the Occupational Health and safety Improvement Group, comprising Cabinet Members, Managers and Safety Representatives. A copy of the new programme for 2015-18 was attached as an appendix to the report.


In response to questions from Members it was confirmed that Service Managers reported progress in their services to the Health and Safety Committee, focusing on their priority issues and measures to control risks, such as use of equipment and training to minimise manual handling risks. Standards for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) were being considered. Incidents were investigated to enable learning across departments where possible.


A Contracts Management Group had been set up to improve the health and safety arrangements when the Council commissioned contractors. The current contract for the construction of the new leisure centre was felt to be a good example of good health and safety standards.


The policy on dealing with stress was currently being reviewed, including training for stress awareness and assessing and managing stress.


It was noted that the standard of health and safety management in the Council had improved significantly over recent years, and the Cabinet Member congratulated her predecessor and managers and staff for this achievement. She hoped that this progress would be continued over the next three years.


The Committee thanked the Cabinet Member and officers for the report and commended Managers and Safety Representatives for the progress which had been made in respect of health and safety management and practices.




That the report be noted.


Scrutiny Monitoring pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing Progress Report on Review of Locking of Park Gates  

5.25 pm

Additional documents:


Locking of Park Gates


The Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing and Environmental Services Manager submitted a progress monitoring report on the Scrutiny Committee’s recommendation to review the decision to stop locking park gates at night.


Councillor Brady attended as a local Member to update the Committee on issues which had arisen at Eastwood Park, Hasland following the decision to not lock the gates at night. There had been frequent anti-social behaviour, intimidation, drunkenness, drug dealing, litter and damage and as the gates had been open the Police had been unable to remove people from the park.


Members and Officers of the Council had met with the Police and other stakeholders, and the Cabinet Member had agreed to re-instate for a trial period the locking of the gates at this site, following which the problems had decreased significantly.


The outcome from this trial period at Eastwood Park would continue to be monitored, along with the situation at other parks where the gates remained unlocked at night. The potential of installing self-closing lockable gates, of working with community volunteers and of restricting vehicle access would be considered. The results of this monitoring would be reported in November.


It was noted that the temporary employment of the Enforcement Officer had been extended whilst the situation was being reviewed.


Members requested that comparative costs of locking gates and dealing with damage be provided within the findings of the review in November. They were of the general view at this stage that it would be preferable for park gates to be locked at night and that a longer term solution was required before lighter nights returned again next Spring.




(1)         That pending a further report the current view of the Committee is that the situation would be better with locked park gates.


(2)         That a report be provided to the next meeting of the Community, Customer and Organisational Scrutiny Committee on the review of the decision to not lock the park gates at night, including comparative costs of locking gates and dealing with damage.


Cabinet Member for Town Centre and Visitor Economy - Outside Market Reconfiguration Progress Report pdf icon PDF 93 KB

5.45 pm


The Cabinet Member for Town Centre and Visitor Economy presented a progress report on the delivery of a feasibility study on Chesterfield’s outdoor market.


The purpose of the study was to analyse the existing operation of the outdoor market and present a number of possible development options, which would make the market a more attractive location for both traders and shoppers and help to provide it with a sustainable future.


A public engagement exercise had been carried out with traders, town centre stakeholders and members of the public, from which a list of key priorities for improvements had been developed, including:


·               Wider aisle widths to allow better access, higher footfall and freedom of movement between stalls and through the Market Place

·               Improved sightlines and better trading conditions, to be able to attract traders and shoppers to the centre of the market

·               Better weather protection for traders and customers

·               Improved facilities including power points, lighting, storage and refuse collection points

·               Enhancing the appearance of the market by removing, if possible, the large number of boards and trestles that are very visible on non-market days.


A project board had been established, including officers from planning, conservation, economic development, urban design, Kier Facilities Maintenance and markets, to offer advice and guidance to the consultants (IBI Group) and to ensure that any options on the remodelling of the Market Place were achievable given the constraints of the site.


The IBI Group had developed a series of options based on three levels of intervention – low, medium and high – the higher the intervention level, the higher the expected costs and lifespan. The Town Centre Operations Manager presented some images of possible options, including the following aspects:


·        A low level of intervention using the existing wooden stalls, with a reduction in stall numbers to give wider aisles and corner display areas. This option would retain flexibility to allow additional stalls to be erected when required.


·        A medium level of intervention using new double sided stall structures set out in blocks of sixes or eights. This option would also widen the aisles, was flexible and provided corner displays and or a central seating area.


·        The highest level of intervention would provide a completely different layout following the contours of the market either in individual rows or in block structures.  


All of the outline options would address stall coverings, power supply, lighting, storage and refuse collection points.


Arising from Members’ questions it was explained that it was hoped the new configuration would attract traders back in to the main market square from the surrounding streets and that traffic considerations would be taken in to account.


It was noted that more detailed costings were being developed to enable consideration of different elements of each option and that further consultation would then be undertaken with traders and other interested parties, with the aim of providing a fit for purpose market. It was hoped to minimise disruption to the continuing operation of the market during implementation of whichever option was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 339 KB

6.15 pm


The Committee considered the Forward Plan for the period 1 October, 2015 – 31 January 2016.




That the Forward Plan be noted.


Work Programme for the Community, Customer and Organisational Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 35 KB

6.25 pm


The Committee considered a list of items raised to date for its Work Programme.


The Chair reported that the draft Workforce Strategy had not yet been completed and he therefore proposed that this be considered at the November meeting.


The Committee had requested a progress report on the monitoring of its recommendation for a review of the decision to not lock park gates at night for the November meeting.


It was proposed that a progress report on the monitoring of the Committee’s recommendations in respect of pre-consultation with stakeholders and the development of an engagement plan for projects impacting on employees (CCO2) be requested for the November meeting.


It was proposed that the items on the Equality, Diversity and Social Inclusion Strategy and Action Plan and the Equalities Annual Report be combined and rescheduled for 2016.




(1)         That a report on the Workforce Strategy and a progress report on the monitoring of the Committee’s recommendation for a review of the decision to not lock park gates at night be considered at the November meeting of the Committee.


(2)         That a progress report on the monitoring of the Committee’s recommendations in respect of pre-consultation with stakeholders and the development of an engagement plan for projects impacting on employees (CCO2) be requested for the November meeting.


(3)         That the items on the Equality, Diversity and Social Inclusion Strategy and Action Plan and the Equalities Annual Report be combined on the work programme and rescheduled for 2016.


Overview and Scrutiny Developments

Verbal Report.

6.35 pm



It was noted, further to Minute No. 6 of the Committee’s meeting on 7 July, 2015, regarding the County Council’s special Health Scrutiny Committee meeting to discuss the Holywell Medical Group, that the Chair, the Chair of the Enterprise and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing and the Executive Director would be meeting to consider the matters raised.




That the update be noted.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 214 KB

Minutes of Meetings held on 8 January, 2015 and 7 July, 2015.


6.45 pm

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meeting of the Community, Customer and Organisational Scrutiny Committee held on 7 July 2015 were presented.




That the Minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.